Desde el 1991 nos hemos dedicado a ayudar a organizaciones no gubernamentales en Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos, para que alcancen sus objetivos de recaudación de fondos y desarrollo general - con éxito y de una forma ética - para así continuar rindiendo servicios a sus beneficiarios por medio de programas efectivos y eficientes y una financiación sólida y de múltiples fuentes.
SInce 1991, we have helped nonprofit organizations of all kinds, in Puerto Rico and the United States, to set and successfully reach their fundraising goals effectively, efficiently and ethically, based upon solid, multi-faceted sources of financing.
A Limited Liability Company with a Social Purpose
Una Compañía de Responsabilidad Limitada con Fines Sociales
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Suscríbase para recibir alertas de convocatorias de fondos abiertas, información sobre eventos y la filantropía, y noticias de interés para las organizaciones sin fines de lucro. También debe seguirnos en Facebook y Twitter.
Sign up to receive information about funding opprtunities, grants, events and news of importance to nonprofit organizations. Also, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Whatsapp / 📞 (787) 366-9812
Fundraising Campaigns
Whether it's thousands or millions of dollars that your organization needs, we offer expert assistance based on years of experience in helping charity organizations whether new or with years of existence, in preparing their
fundraising campaigns.
We provide assistance in developing the best suited strategy for your financial goals including, identification of the necessary resources and the steps you must follow in order to achieve your fundraising goals.
We analyze in depth the internal and external environment of your organization's operations to ensure efficient decisions.
Proposal Writing
We write competitive, convincing and effective proposals of the highest quality so that you can make your best case to Foundations, corporate giving programs, and federal and state agencies.
We have prepared successful proposals for federal funding to the National Endowment for the Arts, the Institute for Museum & Library Services, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), SAMSHA, NOAA, among many other agencies.
Additionally, we have successfully obtained millions of dollars in funds from renowned foundations and corporations such as the Ángel Ramos Foundation,
the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation and Coca-Cola.
IMAGINE knows Washington, DC, and we make it our business to insure that our clients get to know the U.S. capital - and become known in Washington - as well.
We represent our clients, intercede on their behalf and provide insight and
counsel on public policy and legislation at the federal level. We also arrange for meetings for our clients with elected and appointed officials, program officers, and other key influencers, where policy issues, trends and grant possibilities can be discussed.
We are particularly adept at working on matters involving the Departments of Justice, Health & Human Services, Education and Labor, and the federal agencies addressing the arts and culture such as NEA, NEH and IMLS.
Federal & State Tax Exemption
If your organization qualifies for federal or state exemption under §501(c)(3) or (4) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or an §1101.01 of the Puerto Rico Tax Code, IMAGINE can help you to submit a succesful application.
Let our proven experienced professional team help you and maximize your chances for success. Our prices are affordable and competitive. Ask for a quote today! Preparing and applying for the federal, state or local tax exemption is an arduous and complicated task that IMAGINE is equipped to help you with. More importantly, not one of our clients has been denied tax exemption over the past 10 years!
Do you wish to start a new grant or fundraising based project? Need help organizing your ideas, objectives and goals? Need to identify and organize your available or needed resources? Do you seek personalized help? If yes, our coaching service is just for you.
Receive hands on, personalized guidance through the processes and strategies needed for the success of your project. Clarify your doubts, identify your resources and potential for success. We are here to support you, do not miss the opportunity to optimize your potential for success. Put our experience at your service, contact us today !
We believe in empowering our customers and their team by enabling them to continue in their efforts without our direct long term input. Therefore, we offer consulting, and other assisting services tailored to contribute to a self sufficient and sustainable organization. We offer workshops for Boards of Directors, staff and volunteers.
Additionally, we conduct training programs covering the principles of fundraising, proven techniques, and constantly evolving issues such as the use of social media.
Translating and Writing Services
We offer translating (english ‹ › spanish) and writing services focused on the particular needs of Nonprofit organizations. We translate complex and technical documents such as Corporate Regulations and more. We can also translate, review and, or edit proposals written in english or spanish.
IMAGINE helps you translate your Case Statements among other documents and essential promo materials (Press Kits, etc.) so you can let your audience know about your organization in a comprehensive, persuasive and effective manner.